30. Two Pilot Pylon Racing

This screen lets you set options for Two Pilot Pylon Racing. Your goal is to fly a set number of laps around the pylons as quickly as possible.

To reach this screen, from the Main Menu under Two Pilot, click on Games. Pylon Racing is the only option.

Image of the two pilot pylon racing settings

30.1. Pylon Racing Settings

Make your selections, which are described for the Single Pilot Pylon Racing setting window.

30.2. Pylon Race Fly Screen

  • At bottom left, click on Play Game to advance to the Fly Screen for pylon racing as shown below.

  • Select your aircraft, flying site, etc. The race course is only setup for certain flying sites, so the flying site list has been pruned to only include the allowable sites that can accommodate the layouts for your Race Type selection.

  • Only Ground Launch takeoff is allowed, so select an aircraft with landing gear.

  • Click Fly to start the race. When a race is finished, press Esc and Fly to start again.

  • A screen shot below was taken just a moment after the race launch. The two aircraft are each centered on their half of the split screen window.

Image of the Fly Screen: Two Pilot Pylon Racing

Fly Screen: Two Pilot Pylon Racing.

two pilot pylon racing screen shot

Click for larger size in a new window.

30.3. Race Scenario, Audibles, and Recording

A description of launching, using a Map Overlay, making recordings, and more are described here for the Single Pilot Pylon Racing.