35. How to Cite SeligSIM

If you are going to use the sim and want to reference it online or in a publication, please use the citation information below.

Further, please share our links with your friends!

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For website feedback (this site and any links above), please email: contact@seligsim.com

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35.1. For Software Citation

Michael S. Selig, et al., “SeligSIM RC Flight Simulator,” RC Flight Simulator, Release 2024.5a, v18.3, InertiaSoft, Inc., Champaign, IL, August 2024. Retrieved from https://www.seligsim.com [date].

How is this software named

SeligSIM 2024.5a (v18.3, rev 3670):
   SeligSIM™ - Base software name, trademarked
   SeligSIM 2024.5 - Software named for year of release
   SeligSIM 2024.5a - First release (a) for the main 2024.5 version
   v18 - Version number that counts from year of first release (2006)
   v18.3 - Third release of v18
   rev 3670 - Revision #3670 to the SeligSIM software repository since 12/2009
   2003 - Fun fact. The year when development began on the project that is SeligSIM today (also marketed as FS One).

35.2. For Publication Citation

Publications describing some of the details of SeligSIM (also marketed as FS One as referred to in the papers).

Michael S. Selig, “Real-Time Flight Simulation of Highly Maneuverable Unmanned Aerial Vehicles,”
Journal of Aircraft, 2014, Volume 51, No 6, pp. 1705-1725.
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Michael S. Selig, “Modeling Propeller Aerodynamics and Slipstream Effects on Small UAVs in Realtime,” AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, AIAA Paper 2010-7938,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August 2010.
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